After-Sales Services

After Sales Services

Service and Maintenance support is particularly important for customers who have reduced their in-house engineering and maintenance resources.

BCD offers planned and unplanned systems support to all our customers across the UK, Ireland, and mainland Europe, providing annual routine and non-routine maintenance. We offer continuity and general check of system performance data, with the provision of all relevant validation and maintenance documentation.

Repairs and Upgrades
Repairs and upgrades
  • High purity pipework installation
  • Vessel repair & modification.
  • Critical spare-part sourcing & supply.
  • Spray ball design & coverage testing.
  • Complete instrument system calibrations.
  • On call support & service level agreements
System Calibration
System calibration
  • Instrument calibration.
  • Pressure, temperature and flow.
  • Improve process accuracy & reputability.
  • System performance data check.
Service Level Agreements
Service level agreements (SLAs)
  • Process improvement.
  • Dedicated response times.
  • On-call facilities.
  • Experienced engineers and craftspeople.
  • Imporved spare parts pricing
Spare Parts
Spare parts
  • Critical spare-part sourcing & supply